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We are issuing €3M in corporate bonds to finance our expansion into Germany, Austria, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia.

As of end-2024, Koykan has successfully raised €1.2M in equity financing (Q1 2023), upgraded two existing stores, launched two new franchise-compliant stores, and is currently building six corporate stores set to open in Q2-Q4 of 2025. The company has also secured several new locations for stores across Europe and signed an area development franchise agreements for Czechia and Slovakia. Koykan’s expansion plan aims to grow sales from €4.3M to €13M over the next 36 months, with a focus on both corporate-owned and franchise-operated stores in seven key countries.

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Koykan from 2025 to 2027

Investment Opportunity in a Nutshell

We are pleased to announce the issuance of our first corporate bonds in €3 million, providing you with an opportunity for a stable return in the quick-service restaurant sector. Our bonds offer an annual yield of 8% with a three-year maturity, presenting a competitive alternative to traditional bonds with lower yields.

Essential Information about the Bond Offering:

Bond Amount: €3M
Interest Rate: 8% per annum
Maturity: 3 years

Our proven business model ensures a stable return, with an average projected capital expenditure per location of €250,000 and a return on investment within two years. With our ambitious expansion plans, we aim to reach a total turnover value of €100 million by 2035, positioning us as a significant player in the quick-service restaurant market.

We pride ourselves on a high level of transparency with our investors. We have secured annual reports on the progress of financed projects, providing a clear overview of fund usage and progress achieved.

Zadovoljstvo nam je najaviti izdavanje naših prvih korporativnih obveznica u iznosu od €3 milijuna,  pružamo vam priliku za stabilan povrat u sektoru restorana brze usluge. Naše obveznice nude godišnji prinos od 8% s rokom dospijeća od tri godine, time su konkurentna alternativa tradicionalne obveznice s nižim prinosima.

Osnovne informacije o ponudi obveznica:

Iznos jamstva: €3M
Kamatna stopa: 8% godišnje
Rok dospijeća: 3 godine

Naš dokazani poslovni model osigurava stabilan povrat, s prosječnim predviđenim kapitalnim izdacima po lokaciji od €250.000 i povratom ulaganja u roku od dvije godine. S našim ambicioznim planovima širenja, cilj nam je doseći ukupnu vrijednost prometa od €100 milijuna do 2035. godine, što nas postavlja kao značajnog igrača na tržištu restorana brze usluge.

Ponosimo se visokom razinom transparentnosti s našim investitorima. Osigurali smo godišnja izvješća o napretku financiranih projekata, koja daju jasan pregled korištenja sredstava i postignutog napretka.

Contact Details


For investment information, please feel free to contact our consultant, Ivor Jelavić, who is available Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 16:00. We are here to support you in making the best investment decision.


Phone: +385 99 4818183

Kontakt Informacije


Za informacije o ulaganju slobodno se obratite našem konzultantu Ivoru Jelaviću koji je dostupan od ponedjeljka do petka od 08 do 16 sati. Ovdje smo da vam pomognemo u donošenju najbolje investicijske odluke.


Telefon: +385 99 4818183

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FAQ (frequently asked questions)

Why would a company issue bonds instead of taking a bank loan?

Issuing bonds allows a company to access a broader range of investors and offers more flexible terms than traditional bank loans, which often require high collateral. Bonds also reduce dependence on a single financing source.

How risky is investing in corporate bonds?

The risk depends on the company’s financial health, industry stability, and quality of management. Corporate bonds typically offer higher yields than government bonds but come with increased risk. All relevant details are usually disclosed in the issuance prospectus.

Why is the interest rate 8%, and is it too high?

A higher interest rate reflects the added risk of corporate bonds compared to government bonds. It’s also a competitive offer to attract investors in less mature capital markets. The rate is often justified by the company’s growth potential.

What are convertible bonds, and why are they popular?

Convertible bonds give investors the option to convert their debt into company shares at a predetermined price. This reduces risk and increases long-term potential returns, making them attractive to both companies and investors.

How can investors be sure the company is transparent?

Companies issuing bonds must publish a detailed prospectus and regular financial reports. These documents provide investors with insights into the company’s operations and the use of raised funds.

What happens if the company fails to repay the bond?

If the company defaults, investors may recover their funds through any collateral backing the bonds or legal actions, depending on the bond’s terms. The level of protection is detailed in the issuance prospectus.

What is the minimum investment amount for corporate bonds?

The minimum investment varies but is often set between €500 and €5,000. This makes corporate bonds accessible to a range of investors, including retail buyers.

When are interest payments made to bondholders?

Interest, or coupon payments, are typically made semi-annually or annually, depending on the terms set in the prospectus.

Can bonds be sold before maturity?

Yes, most corporate bonds can be traded on the secondary market, allowing investors to sell their bonds before the maturity date. However, liquidity depends on market conditions.

What will the funds raised through the bonds be used for?

Companies often use the capital for expansion, new projects, or refinancing existing debts. Details of fund allocation are outlined in the prospectus.

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